Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to your most common inquiries regarding Dr R&R services to get started.

Frequently Asked Questions

Get the answers to your most common inquiries regarding Dr R&R services to get started.

  • Should I consult with my doctor before subscribing to R & R Self Care?
    Although R & R Self Care is a wellness program, we recommend that you consult with your doctor.
  • Do I continue taking my medication while participating in R & R Self Care?
    Yes, take your medication as prescribed by your doctor.
  • Can I continue my subscription after the subscribe term?
    Yes, you can enroll in a subscription as often as you want.
  • Do you accept HSA or FSA?
    Some HSA and FSA may accept our program. However, check with your provider.
  • Is a blood test required?
    A blood chemistry test is important in helping you customize your self-care blueprint. Without your blood tests it will be difficult to customize your wellness program.
  • Do I get my blood test done through R&R?
    R & R does not perform blood tests. Please check your subscription on how to get your blood chemistry test.

We Help You Reset Your Heart Health Anytime And Anywhere From The Comfort Of Your Home.

We Help You Reset Your Heart Health Anytime And Anywhere From The Comfort Of Your Home.
